2020 Election Edition w/ Sen. Gary Peters

Gary Peters is a United States Senator from Michigan, who is a proud husband and father of three, five generations in Michigan, 20+ years in business, 10+ years in the U.S. Navy Reserve, and a fighter for the middle class.

Sworn into office in 2015, Senator Gary Peters is honored to represent the State of Michigan in the U.S. Senate. Throughout his career in public service, Gary has been a strong, independent voice for Michigan’s families, workers and small businesses. He has focused on uniting our communities by fighting for the things that we all agree on — a stronger economy, good-paying jobs, quality and affordable health care, a secure retirement and a fair chance for everyone to succeed.

Sebastian Jackson is the Founder and CEO of The Social Club Grooming Company and has nearly 20 years of experience in the men’s grooming industry. He has been recognized by the Michigan Ross School of Business, Harvard Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business as a guest lecturer. He is currently an Entrepreneur in Residence at Rock Ventures.

Shop Talk is transforming the age-old barbershop conversation and has the potential to do the same to our society in the process. It’s equal parts inspiration, affirmation and co-creation of the world that everyone in the room wants to see.




Chef Chris